
Showing posts from January, 2023

Two different creatures of the Universe: Men and Women

Men and women are both creatures of this universe. Something makes them different from each other, and that is all there are—differences. They both have their own style, their own personalities, their own attitudes, and their own individual processes of growing, learning, thinking, evolving, and serving. We must consider them differently and individually, with their own distinctions. Don't make their individuality a complication. Everything is easy if we fathom it in its natural and original state and situations; everything seems complicated when we fathom it at the further level of those states and situations. To understand something or someone, we need to go to their original condition; that's where we find their original self without making our own assumptions. Therefore try to accept everything as it is. Accepting is the greatest way of seeing acutely, as we don't impose our own ideas and experiences on them. The problem is when people distribute things in two differ