Two different creatures of the Universe: Men and Women

Men and women are both creatures of this universe. Something makes them different from each other, and that is all there are—differences. They both have their own style, their own personalities, their own attitudes, and their own individual processes of growing, learning, thinking, evolving, and serving.

Two different creatures of the Universe: Men and Women

We must consider them differently and individually, with their own distinctions. Don't make their individuality a complication. Everything is easy if we fathom it in its natural and original state and situations; everything seems complicated when we fathom it at the further level of those states and situations. To understand something or someone, we need to go to their original condition; that's where we find their original self without making our own assumptions. Therefore try to accept everything as it is. Accepting is the greatest way of seeing acutely, as we don't impose our own ideas and experiences on them.

The problem is when people distribute things in two different categories: either good or bad, either easy or complicated, either beautiful or ugly, either equal or unequal. These are the thoughts which your mind made basis on your life experiences. which are obviously not true as everything is different and their lifestyles are as well. Don't make materialistic notions about something as the universe has made everything differently with its good and bad aspects.

Have you ever compared the sun to the moon, the trees to the rivers, the birds to animals? Your answer would definitely be no. You have never compared nature to anything. So why do you always compare human beings to other human beings? Why compare their differences? Why neglect one good thing for another good thing? It's not the right way to know and understand. If you really want to learn about men's and women's differences, First try to explore individually each of them. Is it not the case that you always ignore the fact that men and women are human beings first? They should be treated like beings rather than as genders.

You have a super mind and super sense, which the universe has given you to make change and evolve humans into their higher selves to serve the whole world. But despite using their minds in great ways, humans use them for complaining, comparing, making assumptions, and forming their own opinions on everything. Just try to stop them all first and understand clearly that "everyone is not equal" and "equality can't be in everything." As no one is equal but different, no one is comparable but incompatible. Everything is unique in its own way, with its flaws and goodness. Don't distribute your limited thoughts, as everything cannot fit in your eye. The world is vast, and in its vastness, things always create and evolve tremendously.

Let's talk about men or women now. They both are great arts of a beautiful universe. One must be thankful and grateful towards it and cherish their distinctness always. God made men and women differently in many aspects to create the world and keep going with it while making balance with everything. 

We are different for biological, phycological, mental, emotional, and cultural reasons. We can't ignore the truth about these factors, as they are crucial to one's growth. "What you think about complications." You need to correct yourself here. Suppose that when one is unable to solve a puzzle, one calls it complicated. When one solves a puzzle, one calls it easy. There is nothing about easy or compilations. It's completely about our way of thinking and ability to handle something. Ability and qualities are beyond our thinking. The deeper we go, the deeper we find ourselves, so it's best to accept them and respect them accordingly. 

The same thing is true for understanding gender, whether male or female. To understand them, we need to make ourselves more independent from our dependent thoughts, as they both have an abundance of different qualities, personalities, and attitudes. Just see them as they are because this is a world of billions of creatures, and everyone is just born with their uniqueness. We only need to expand our imagination and sense of empathy to understand each other in our own ways. 

I don't compare people based on their gender. I just accept them as human beings, which ends all the complications and gives me an ocean of time for observing and understanding. To understand anyone, male or female, we need to know about their past, their habit, their schedule, their way of seeing life, their beliefs, their cultures, their upbringing, and their weaknesses and strengths. After this, we try to get them. 

Men and women are in a different kind of world. I don't want to mix both worlds. I want to explore them differently. Comparing can cause a hopeless and doubtful feeling, which can do terrible harm to one's originality. When one compares with someone or something, one is definitely missing something within and asking for what one doesn't have. One should wonder in their own world and try to find what gift God has given them to make their lives lighter.

The truth is that they have gender differences despite being individual beings who grow and present themselves differently. To understand both, we need to go deeper with ourselves and them, as both are endowed with endless qualities and abilities, each of which is complicated in its own way. One needs to explore both.

I don't want to be involved in today's hollow upbringing and inequality, which play a big role in complicating men or women. To understand, we need a good heart and pure intention where we rise ourselves above sex and gender and only see a being of this universe who is just like me and you. not men or women.

- Anupam Sumit Shekhar


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