
Showing posts from December, 2023

Ephemeral Mediums : Giving and Returning the essence of life in the Cosmic Symphony

Giving is the selfless act of offering time, resources, kindness, attention, respect, faith, and love to someone without expecting immediate responses or returns. It transcends material possessions, encompassing understanding, selflessness, and the core sensation of empathy. It's a genuine expression of care and support, driven by a desire to contribute positively. Giving is a natural practice found throughout the universe. The sun generously provides sunlight to mankind, the moon shares its calmness and peacefulness, and nature's elements—earth, water, air, and fire—constantly shower their presence in every moment. Nature connects us to the deepest core of the universe, encouraging us to seek the divine in every aspect of creation. Earth grounds us, water purifies and quenches our thirst, air breathes life into our souls, and fire symbolizes transformation. In the entire universe, giving is associated with the deep feelings of selflessness, empathy, compassion, and interconn