Ephemeral Mediums : Giving and Returning the essence of life in the Cosmic Symphony

Ephemeral Mediums : Giving and Returning the essence of life in the Cosmic Symphony

Giving is the selfless act of offering time, resources, kindness, attention, respect, faith, and love to someone without expecting immediate responses or returns. It transcends material possessions, encompassing understanding, selflessness, and the core sensation of empathy. It's a genuine expression of care and support, driven by a desire to contribute positively.

Giving is a natural practice found throughout the universe. The sun generously provides sunlight to mankind, the moon shares its calmness and peacefulness, and nature's elements—earth, water, air, and fire—constantly shower their presence in every moment. Nature connects us to the deepest core of the universe, encouraging us to seek the divine in every aspect of creation. Earth grounds us, water purifies and quenches our thirst, air breathes life into our souls, and fire symbolizes transformation. In the entire universe, giving is associated with the deep feelings of selflessness, empathy, compassion, and interconnectedness within and without.

In the sacred ritual of giving, the giver embraces their spirit, delving into the profound essence of existence. In that moment, they realize that the act itself embodies a silent generosity, lifting the ordinary to the sacred. A harmonious resonance with the universe is felt, understanding that the true measure of something transcends possessions. It lies in the open-hearted generosity that flows effortlessly through them, with the awareness that the act of giving becomes a gift to the giver's own soul.

Within the profound essence of generosity, they realize that what one holds with oneself is not confined to possessions but is an energy that flows through the open chambers of a giving heart. The giver becomes a devotee on the path of self-discovery, where each act of giving is a step toward the sacred center of their soul. The wisdom unfolds as they understand that, in giving, they align with the cosmic rhythm, attuning their spirit to the divine symphony that echoes through the universe while receiving the blessings of the universe realm.

For the receiver, the acceptance of a gift becomes an embrace, touched by the gentle breeze of generosity, creating a moment of communion with the divine energy expressed through the giver. In the sacred moments of receiving, they open themselves to the divine orchestration of the universe. In accepting, the receiver enters a feeling of gratitude, understanding that the tapestry of life is woven with threads of giving and receiving. The wisdom lies in recognizing that receiving is not merely about acquiring possessions in a sudden occurrence but in realizing that receiving graciously is a celebration of the divine energies interconnected to all living and non-living entities.

In the moments of receiving, there should be an acknowledgment that in the flow of giving and receiving, both giver and receiver contribute to the symphony of life. It is an invitation to partake in the interconnected journey of humanity. The receiver's heart is graced with gratitude, and in this exchange, they discover that being open to receiving is an art of humility and an acknowledgment of the interconnected web of life. The receiver also becomes a part of the sacred flow of generosity, perpetuating the cycle of giving with a heart brimming with appreciation and interconnectedness while entering the realm of the eternal.

The service of giving and the act of receiving are interconnected with an ocean of enthusiastic spirit, forming a symbiotic relationship with each other. Giving initiates a reciprocal flow of energy and generosity from one individual to another. This act is a dynamic reciprocity where the receiver becomes an integral part of the ongoing exchange of giving and receiving.

The act of receiving is not passive; it fuels a cycle of generosity in a receiver. By accepting with gratitude, the receiver becomes a giver in potential, contributing to the perpetuation of benevolence in the interconnectedness of human relationships. Both giving and receiving empower individuals in distinct ways. The giver experiences the fulfillment of sharing, while the receiver gains the benefit of the gift. This empowerment creates a harmonious interplay, illustrating that each role holds significance in the grand design.

Giving and receiving involve a mutual expression of trust. The giver trusts that their offering will be received with openness and appreciation, and the receiver trusts in the sincerity and goodwill behind the gift. This mutual trust strengthens the bonds between individuals. The dance of giving and receiving emphasizes the interdependence of individuals in a community, and it always goes on. It highlights that no one exists in isolation; rather, everyone is part of a collective where the exchange of support and kindness in the form of giving and receiving creates a fabric of interconnected relationships.

In essence, giving and receiving are not isolated acts but two sides of the same coin. We are generally connected to the universe in the form of a receiver. It brings values, depth, and comfortable surroundings for our survival. It can be said without any confusion that the universe is a perfect example of a giver, and human beings are always there to receive. They form a continuous loop of energy, compassion, and shared humanity, illustrating that the richness of life is found in the dynamic interplay between these complementary forces. Together, they co-create a harmonious piece, reminding us that the beauty of life's symphony emerges not just from individual notes but from the collaborative dance of giving and receiving, echoing the interconnected rhythms of existence.

The dynamics of giving and receiving can be metaphorically compared to the rhythmic process of breathing in and out: Giving is like inhaling a selfless act that brings in a flow of energy, kindness, and compassion. It nourishes the soul, initiating a positive flow from the giver to the recipient. Similar to how inhaling oxygen nourishes the body, giving nourishes the soul. It is an active expression of kindness, compassion, and selflessness.

On the other side, receiving is akin to exhaling a gracious acceptance of what has been offered. It completes the cycle, releasing gratitude and acknowledgment into the shared space. It involves acknowledging and embracing the offered energy, whether it be a physical gift, kindness, or support. Just as exhaling expels carbon dioxide, receiving allows for the release of gratitude and the positive energy to circulate.

Breathing illustrates the interdependence of inhaling and exhaling. Similarly, giving and receiving are interdependent actions that strengthen the connections between individuals, fostering a sense of community and shared experience. It is a cyclical process, creating a harmonious flow in human interactions. Together, giving and receiving form a rhythmic dance, a continuous exchange that mirrors the essential nature of breathing. This interconnected flow, much like the breath, sustains the vitality of relationships and contributes to the overall well-being of individuals and communities.

One root principal about giving is that one can't attain something without the principal of giving." One can only attain something from oneself and others when one has given something. Without giving, our very being doesn't act as we desire. Like, if you want to be healthy and full of energy, you have to take care of yourself by sleeping well and eating healthy. It's like giving your body the things it needs. If you don't do that, your body won't work the way you want it to.  And if you want to be happy and think positive, you should give yourself moments where you appreciate and convey good things about yourself. If you don't do that, having a happy mindset might be a bit difficult for you.

In Indian culture, the principles of "Daan" (charitable giving) and "Seva" (selfless service) are deeply ingrained. Various religious and cultural traditions encourage individuals to give to those in need, whether through financial support, food donations, or voluntary service. Festivals often include acts of charity, reinforcing the importance of generosity.

In Japan, the concept of "Omoiyari" emphasizes empathy and consideration for others. Giving is deeply rooted in reciprocity and attentiveness to the needs of those around you. It is common to express care through small acts of giving, and gift-giving is often accompanied by a sense of thoughtful consideration.

Remember, the impact of giving often extends far beyond the immediate moment. Small acts of kindness, when woven into daily life, contribute to a culture of compassion and create a positive ripple effect in both your life and the lives of others. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have; what matters is what you can do around the world. Whatever you can do, just do it. You receive much from the universe, your parents, neighbors, soulmate, spouse, etc. However, what are we giving in return to the universe, to mankind? I'm not saying you have to give to those from whom you receive, and you shouldn't even think twice about it. Just give without considering your own benefits. True greatness lies in giving without selfish thoughts. Avoid selfishness and embrace selflessness in your perspective and daily life.

Indeed, it doesn't matter what you can give; even thinking of giving means you've crossed the first hurdle. Nowadays, people often don't even consider giving. We're on the journey of God's creation, where he possesses all the energies to do anything he desires. Yet, he granted us independence, allowing us to witness these beautiful creations. Think like him, be like him. He doesn't seek to take anything from us; he left us independent, and it's our responsibility to share what we have.

If someone grants you the independence of choice, the freedom to observe, and the autonomy to live, why not give something in return, just to satisfy the energy? Your generosity, thankfulness, calmness, and positive behavior can change someone's day or life. Consider what you are giving—nothing. Why? Because you don't truly own anything; you are merely returning. There's a subtle difference between giving and returning. Giving implies sharing something that is genuinely yours, but returning means you took something not truly yours and are now giving it back. 

From my perspective, we are mere creatures in this subtle world, lacking true possession or complete rights over what we perceive as ours. We are using these things, so how can we truly give anything? We are merely returning. To understand this perspective, delve into the philosophy of awareness. A person aware of the world, their environment, or themselves can observe things in this light. Therefore, start returning instead of giving.

Recognize that returning those things which you have in abundance, Don't have to be financial or material; it can be as simple as giving time, kindness, or expertise. Start small. Set aside a specific amount, be it money or time, that feels comfortable. Gradually increase as you witness the positive impact, dispelling fears of scarcity.

Understand that giving doesn't always require significant time commitments. Even brief, thoughtful gestures can have a meaningful impact. Prioritize by integrating giving into existing routines. Whether it's volunteering for a short period or incorporating small acts of kindness into daily activities, make giving a seamless part of your schedule. Individuals might believe their contributions won't make a significant impact.Understand that collective efforts create substantial change. Reflect on the cumulative effect of small acts, realizing that every contribution, regardless of size, contributes to a larger positive outcome.

By implementing practical strategies, individuals can navigate obstacles and make giving a genuine priority in their lives. Small, consistent efforts can lead to a transformative impact on both the giver and the recipient. Cultivate a giving mindset as one cultivates the wisdom of ancient philosophies. Start with humble offerings, for in the simplicity of giving lies a profound depth  while embrace the profound truth that, in the act of giving, you unfold the potential for personal transformation. As you sow the seeds of benevolence, watch them blossom into the beauty of a world interconnected by the threads of compassion and shared existence.

Remember always, in the journey of a beautiful life, we're more like just a medium, returning borrowed moments and belongings to the universe and nature. There is nothing about giving but returning, as giving implies sharing something inherently ours, but returning suggests offering back something taken, not rightfully ours. Therefore, in the cosmic dance of life, our role is not to possess but to graciously return the gifts borrowed from the universe, for in the act of giving back, we find harmony with the ever-flowing rhythm of existence.

- Anupam Sumit Shekhar


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