Sowing the sacred flame of Compassion: Nurturing empathy, self love, and interconnectedness with the whole universe.

Sowing the sacred flame of Compassion: Nurturing empathy, self love, and interconnectedness with the whole universe.

Compassion is a profound understanding of suffering accompanied by a genuine sense of empathy. It involves the ability to selflessly support others, recognizing that their pain is not separate from our own. Compassion also encompasses the recognition of our interconnectedness in the universe, understanding that all living beings are interdependent through a shared essence, symbiotic energy, and mutual responsibilities. It is a conscious state of abundant concern and authentic care for the well-being of others. In other words, compassion is a innate feeling of profound goodwill towards everything and everyone.

Compassion is also a sacred practice that demands our consciousness to see and feel things differently and clearly with soft heart. It requires us to look beyond the superficial layers of existence and to peer into the depths of another's soul. It beckons us to listen, truly listen, to feel, truly feel, to understand, truly understand the unspoken cries for help, to hold space for the pain and vulnerability of others, and to respond with unwavering kindness and care while making them feel that you are also a genuine part of them which are not untouched.

During the tender years of my childhood, I developed a habit of compassion that I cannot precisely remember when it took root within me. Every night, as I prepared to sleep after an arduous day, I would reflect on the events that transpired. I would contemplate my actions, considering what I did right and where I went wrong, seeking ways to improve and do more. I would ponder over the things that brought me satisfaction and those that caused me suffering. These thoughts would swirl in my mind until I peacefully drifted off to slumber.

During these moments of reflection, I shift my focus towards my parents, genuinely wishing for their well-being and good health. I sincerely imagine them in my thoughts and send positive energy their way. Following that, I think about my siblings and extend my wishes for their health and happiness as well. As my mind continues to wander, I recall all of my family members, relatives, neighbors, and the people close to my heart. This has become a part of daily routine for me before sleeping as it helps me find peace. Without performing this routine, I often struggle to fall asleep. However, when I do take the time to engage in these thoughts, I feel a renewed sense of positivity and goodness that emanates towards everyone around me.

Like a gentle rain, I would always shower them with blessings of being healthy and long lives. Aside from this, I did not ask for anything from God for my personal needs except courage to face vulnerable and sensitive situations of my life. For within the depths of my soul I fathomed that true strength and serenity reside within us, waiting to be nurtured. With my intentions set, shielded by the embrace of these benevolent thoughts, prayers and blessings, I feel contented and saved from the complexities while being free from uncertainty of life for a moment which was my illusion.

The cycle of offering compassionate affirmations continued until the tenth grade, where I consistently directed my compassion towards others but neglected to extend it to myself. However, everything changed after an unforeseen accident disrupted my daily routine. One evening, I forgot to engage in my usual reflections, and the following day, tragedy struck when I tragically lost my beloved maternal grandmother, who shared a deep and meaningful bond with me. This heartbreaking event shattered my belief that simply praying or relying on spirituality would guarantee a smooth and effortless journey through life.

Consequently, I discontinued my regular practice. Instead, I began to bless and pray for my parents and family, asking for immense strength, peace, and patience. In wielding this ethereal arsenal, I discovered the resilience to confront any adversity. I grasped the understanding that there are forces beyond our command, events and circumstances that elude our control. Thus, I embraced the art of acceptance, releasing my grip on that which was not mine to hold while practicing of letting go.

One habit that I have consciously cultivated within myself, or perhaps a gift from the universe, is the instinctive to respond with kindness and understanding when confronted with difficulties or conflicts with others. Rather than reacting impulsively or being indifferent towards their worries or concerns, I make a deliberate effort to approach the situation with empathy. I endeavor to comprehend the other person's perspective and find areas of common understanding. While I may not always have the ability to completely alleviate their hardships, I carry within me a deep aspiration to be a source of support for anyone experiencing pain or suffering.

When I found myself needing to request something significant on behalf of someone else for their well-being to alleviate their sorrow, to shield them from difficulties or to ensure their safety. I realized that I alone couldn't accomplish all of this. That's why I would pray to God, saying, "Please bestow the fruits of all my good deeds upon these individuals and rectify their situations. I will continue to perform good deeds. You may take my good deeds and, in exchange, relieve them from their suffering." That innocent intention of asking miracle in other's life is still within me. I use it when I feel helplessness and hopelessness in the situations of sufferings. 

During my childhood, I struggled with self-love and care. As an innocent and tender-hearted soul, I always wished for the best for others, yet I remained uncertain about what was truly good for myself. I had a strong sense of what was right and wrong, and I strived to live my life accordingly. However, I often found myself neglecting my own needs and becoming overly sensitive to the suffering of others, whether it was physical, mental, physiological, or emotional. While I couldn't alleviate all their pain, I would internalize their suffering and feel helpless. I did what little I could by offering my prayers and blessings for them, but I neglected to prioritize my own well-being.

However, amidst this sea of compassion, I failed to learn the art of self-love. In the embrace of others' affection, I forgot to extend the same compassion to myself. This imbalance caused me considerable suffering in various aspects of my life, in the school journey, within the walls of home, in my interactions with other people and in the presence of world. Lately, I've been feeling extremely sensitive and easily affected by things around me. It's as if I haveve become overly vulnerable and difficult to find the courage to face my weaknesses and deal with them.

In hindsight, I've come to realize the importance of self-love and care. It's essential to extend the same compassion and understanding I have for others to myself as well. Recognizing my own worth and taking care of my own sensitivity doesn't make me selfish; it allows me to be in a healthier state to support and help others more effectively. As self-love is not selfish; it is necessary. For in doing so, we create a foundation of strength and resilience that empowers us to overcome any obstacle that comes our way."

Through introspection and self-reflection, I have learned to set boundaries and practice self-compassion. I now understand that it is not selfish to prioritize my own happiness and well-being. Taking care of myself enables me to be more present, empathetic, and compassionate towards others. I have come to appreciate that true self-love involves nurturing and valuing my own feelings, needs, and desires prioritizing my physical, emotional, and mental well-being. 

I have also realized that self-love is an ongoing journey. It requires consistent effort to challenge negative self-talk or overthinking. Cultivating self-acceptance, and engaging in self-care practices that nourish my mind, body, and soul. Whether it's through writing my heart out, reading spiritual books, engaging in hobbies I feel satisfied and peaceful. Seeking support from loved ones, or practicing mindfulness towards every thoughts or actions. I now understand that investing in my own well-being is not only beneficial for myself but also for those around me.

As I continue to grow and develop, I strive to be kinder and more loving towards myself. I embrace my strengths, accept my imperfections, and understand that my well-being matters just as much as anyone else's. Now, I can authentically care for others while also ensuring that I make peace with myself too. "The natural feeling of care for others is crucial but the conscious feeling of consideration for themselves is equally crucial which leads a fulfilled and balanced life."

To me, compassion can be compared to "Sanjivani herb" offering a healing touch to the wounds of the universe. Just as the Sanjivani herb revived and restored life, compassion has the power to rejuvenate and uplift those in need, bringing healing and hope in the unpredictable and intricate nature of life where uncertainties and complexities abound. Making a habit of practicing compassion every day is akin to accumulating blessings and prayers, reserved for times of hardship and challenges.

As life is often uncertain and complicated, and we are all bound by our actions, which we sometimes do unconsciously without being fully aware of them. In the process, we may not always realize where we have done right or wrong. Karma is the conscious connection to our good deeds, and we receive the corresponding fruits or consequences. It is said that we reap what we sow. If we are disconnected from our karma to such an extent, it is important to practice compassion towards others while also loving and caring for ourselves. It is essential to show compassion to others, but it is equally important not to exhaust ourselves in the process. If we do, we need to address our own depletion by practicing self-love.

So let us embrace compassion as the sacred thread that weaves us into the very fabric of existence. Let us allow it to guide our thoughts, words, and actions, infusing every moment of our lives with empathy, kindness, and understanding. In doing so, we not only uplift the lives of others, but we also awaken the dormant seeds of compassion within our own hearts, unraveling the eternal truth that our ultimate purpose in this vast universe is to love and be loved.

I encourage you to incorporate a few precious moments of daily compassion into your life. Simply take a moment to think positively about themselves, your family, your beloved, your loved ones, your relatives, and whole surroundings. Send them good energy, and offer blessings for their good health and peaceful lives. You will be amazed at how this practice can transform your perspective on life and fulfill existence. It has the power to bring about profound change and a deeper understanding of the world around you.

Ending my observations on beautiful quote by Albert Schweitzer - "The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others." 

- Anupam Sumit Shekhar


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